§ 2-2. Naming of County-owned property and facilities.
Findings of fact.
The naming or renaming of County-owned property and facilities is a legislative function of the Board of County Commissioners (the "Board"), and it is solely within the Board's discretion to determine the appropriate name for County-owned property and facilities.
In reaching a determination as to the appropriate name for County-owned property and facilities, consideration should be given to individuals, living or deceased, who have made substantial contributions to the community either through civic involvement or monetary donations; to historical events relevant to the site of the property or facility; or to the geographical location of the property or facility.
It is beneficial to the Board to obtain citizen input with respect to name designations of County-owned property and facilities through public notices and public hearings.
Libraries have a long history and tradition of having buildings and areas within the buildings named after significant benefactors. Encouraging donations to the library by offering the donor the opportunity to have a building or area within a building named after a deceased friend or relative or after a living person who has made significant contributions to the community ensures a steady stream of income to provide enhanced collections and services that the County with all its competing funding priorities cannot provide.
Incorporating into this ordinance all prior resolutions adopted by the Board relating to the naming of County-owned property and facilities provides continuity and clarity.
Legislative discretion. The Board of County Commissioners, in its legislative discretion, shall designate the name of County-owned property and facilities or shall re-name County-owned property and facilities as it deems appropriate.
No property right. No property right is conferred upon any entity, individual, group, or group of individuals or entities as a result of the naming of any County-owned property and facilities after that entity, individual or group.
Processes for name selection.
Significant land or financial donation to the subject property: The Board of County Commissioners has full discretion to name the subject property after a significant contributor to that property.
Names Selection Committee.
At a public meeting, the Boards shall direct staff to publish a Notice of Intent to Name County Property of Facility in a newspaper of general circulation. The Notice shall indicate the location of the property, any historical significance of the property or facility, and shall inform the public that the Names Selection Committee shall be accepting proposed names for the property or facility from any resident of Sarasota County or by any group located in Sarasota County for the next 30 days (indicating last date of submittal). The Notice shall provide the address for submittal, the selection criteria and shall state that, in order for a name to be considered by the committee, it must be accompanied by an explanation, with any necessary documentation, as to how the proposed name satisfies the selection criteria.
Names, with supporting explanation, may also be submitted to the committee by any Sarasota County elected official or by a Business Center Executive Director who may have a particular interest in the property of facility to be named.
The committee shall convene no later than 30 days after closing of the submittal period.
The recommended names shall be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners within 30 (30 days) of the convening of the committee for consideration by the Board at a public hearing.
The renaming of County-owned property and facilities shall follow the same procedure.
Name criteria. The following criteria shall be considered by the committee in reviewing and recommending names to the Board:
Geographic location. This criteria would apply for property and facilities clearly located and associated with a distinct portion of the County, i.e., Colonial Oaks Park and Phillippi Estate Park.
Historical value. Property and facilities having a specific historical value or significance to the County, i.e., the Terrace Building.
Individual or group. In order for property or a facility to be named after an individual or group, that individual or group would have to fulfill at least one of the following requirements:
A well-known, elected, appointed or volunteer community leader.
An individual or group that has positively influenced a large populace of the County through a significant contribution of money, time or material.
An individual or group who had a major involvement in the acquisition or development of the facility.
An individual or group whose civic leadership contributed to the betterment of the community.
Names selection committee. Upon direction from the Board to publish a Notice of Intent to Name County Property or Facility, the County Administrator or designee shall form an ad hoc Names Selection Committee and appoint a committee chair to investigate and to review all names submitted to the committee for County-owned property and facilities, excluding libraries, and to recommend names to the Board for final determination. Creation of the committee shall not preclude the Board members from suggesting names to the full Board for consideration at the time that the committee's recommendations are considered.
The membership of the committee shall be comprised of representatives from Business Center Units with an interest in the property or facility to be named and at least one Sarasota County resident from the community at large.
Pursuant to Subsection 2-2(d) herein, the committee chair shall convene meetings as necessary.
The committee shall automatically disband when Board action is taken to name the facility or property for which the committee was formed.
Naming facilities of the Sarasota County Library System.
The Board may name buildings, areas, rooms and spaces that are part of the Sarasota County Library System in honor of major benefactors of the County libraries or in honor of those who have provided outstanding service to the community.
The Sarasota County Library Advisory Board shall act as the Names Selection Committee for consideration and recommendation of names to the Board of County Commissioners, and shall follow the procedure set forth in section 2-2(d).
The Advisory Board shall consider donations of $50,000 or more to Sarasota County or to the Community Foundation in making its recommendations to the Board regarding the naming of library buildings, areas, rooms and spaces.
Naming lands purchased under the Environmentally Sensitive Lands Protection Program (ESLPP).
The Board may name lands, facilities, and recreation areas on lands purchased under the ESLPP in honor of the seller, a major contributor, a notable environmentalist or benefactor of environmental programs, or in recognition of a natural feature or historical association.
The Environmentally Sensitive Lands Oversight Committee (ESLOC) shall act as the Names Selection Committee for consideration and recommendation of names to the Board of County Commissioners, and shall follow the procedure set forth in subsection 2-2(d).
The ESLOC Chairperson shall serve as the Names Selection Committee Chair.
ESLOC, serving as the Names Selection Committee, shall have discretion to recommend naming ESLPP properties, or to honor an individual or group who sells a protection priority parcel to the County at a significant discount or who provides a significant donation to the purchase of such sites.
ESLOC shall determine the minimum appropriate discount off appraised value or donation on a case by case basis, subject to Board approval. The committee shall consider both ecological and economic factors in making the determination.
For properties composed of parcels purchased from multiple owners, ESLOC shall determine a single name for the entire property regardless of discounts or donations. ESLOC may elect to consider such discounts or donations when naming structures or facilities associated with the property.
Repeal. Sarasota County Resolution No. 98-073 is hereby repealed.
Conflict. The provisions of this section shall prevail in the event of a conflict with the provisions of any other County ordinance, rule or regulation.
Severability. It is declared to be the legislative intent that, if any portion of this section is held invalid, the remainder of this section shall not be affected.
(Ord. No. 2000-078, §§ 1—11, 11-29-2000; Ord. No. 2001-083, §§ 2, 3, 11-13-2001; Ord. No. 2007-092, §§ 1—3, 10-24-2007)